
Tag: marijuana reform (page 6)

Bill Introduced to Legalize Marijuana Use in States That Allow It


Today, a bi-partisan group of representatives introduced the first federal bill since 1937 aimed at ending marijuana prohibition. To coincide with the bill’s introduction NORML is launching a new public service announcement featuring NORML Advisory Board member, country music icon, and cannabis enthusiast Willie Nelson. In the video below, Willie calls on you to support this important legislation and to contact your elected officials and encourage them to do the same.

Major props to Colorado Rep. Jared Polis for co-sponsoring the bill introduced today. It's called Ending Federal Marijuana Prohibition Act of 2011 and was introduced by Barney Frank and Ron Paul. [More...]

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Denver Mayoral Candidates Debate Marijuana at NORML Conference

Ballots have gone out for the Denver Mayoral election. Today, at the 40th annual NORML 2011 conference in Denver. Montel Williams moderated a debate panel among several of the candidates: James Mejia, Jeff Peckham, Doug Linkart, Thomas Wolf, Theresa Spawn and Chris Roemer.

Factoids: In Denver. there are 270 medical marijuana centers, 470 grow facilities and 170 infused product manufacturers. There are between 14,000 and 20,000 in Denver who have medical marijuana cards. It provides 4,000 jobs in Denver.

Candidate Chris Roemer got justly booed when he referred to marijuana as "addictive." It was during the q and a session at 55:00 into the video. [More...]

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Seattle Times Calls For Marijuana Legalization

Is the time right to legalize marijuana? Should it be legalized? The Seattle Times makes a powerful argument for legalization now and passage of Washington state's HB 1550. Can Washington succeed where California failed? An analysis of the bill is here. The Times says,

Pass HB 1550. Legalize cannabis, regulate it, tax it. It is radical, yet commonsensical.

Its reasons: The cost of marijuana prohibition: [More...]

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Jurors Balk at Convicting in Small Marijuana Cases

The LA Times reports that jurors are telling judges they won't convict defendants in small marijuana cases.

The article focuses on a recent trial in Montana. One juror said she'd have a problem convicting the defendant. A second said she couldn't do it.

"Then one of the people in the jury box said, 'Tell me, how much marijuana are we talking about? … If it was a pound or a truckload or something like that, OK, but I'm not going to convict someone of a sale with two or three buds,' " the judge said. "And at that point, four or five additional jurors spontaneously raised their hands and said, 'Me too.' "

The judge adds: [More...]

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Wednesday Open Thread

With a $50,000.00 contribution from Larry Zimmer, CEO of Men's Wearhouse, proponents of Prop 19 have been able to air the above ad, featuring former San Jose Police Chief Joseph McNamara , who explains why he, and other law enforcement officers in California, will be voting Yes on Prop 19.

George Soros has donated $1 million for a final GOTV effort and ad campaign. More at the Atlantic.

Firedoglake says the latest poll numbers show a drop in support for Prop 19. They really need to get young voters to turn out and vote.

This is an open thread, all topics welcome.

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ACLU Writes AG Holder to Back Off on Prop 19

The ACLU wrote a letter to Attorney General Eric Holder today about California's Prop 19 that would legalize adult possession of marijuana in the state.

The letter asks Holder and Kerlikowske to stop threatening costly litigation and the deployment of federal drug police to arrest individuals who might use marijuana if the state enacts the proposition, which would allow adults 21 and older to possess and grow small amounts of marijuana for their personal use and allow cities and counties to regulate and tax commercial sales. The letter calls such rhetoric "unnecessarily alarmist" and says it does little to foster a balanced discussion of a legitimate policy issue.

"Proposition 19 would remove state criminal penalties for certain adult marijuana use," says the ACLU's letter. "The new law would not require anyone to do anything in violation of federal law. There would be no positive conflict."


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California Mothers for Marijuana Legalization and Prop 19

California mothers speak out for Prop 19 and marijuana legalization.

With a group of mothers around her, attorney Hanna Liebman Dershowitz uttered some words likely not yet heard in this wild election season: Legal marijuana is "safer for our children."


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The Phone Banking Call Voters Love to Receive

Update: The Women’s Marijuana Movement and Just Say Now today launched an online phone banking tool for women marijuana activists from across the country to place phone calls to women voters in California, a key demographic to turn out for Proposition 19.

"If Prop 19 is going to pass in California, it needs the votes of women and mothers,” said Jeralyn Merritt, a criminal defense attorney and board member of Just Say Now. “Prop 19 is the safe, smart choice for California communities. Thanks to this new organizing tool, women marijuana activists can speak directly with women voters in California about the benefits of Prop 19 and get out the vote. This is a great way to empower women voters and let them know their votes not only count, but can make a real difference on a critical issue facing California communities.”

Original Post:

Jane at Firedoglake reports the Just Say Now phone bank operation (sign up here) is experiencing something unique: voters love getting the calls. [More...]

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Rand Report: Legalization of Marijuana in CA Would Hurt Mexican Cartels

There's a new Rand report, Reducing Drug Trafficking Revenues and Violence in Mexico that examines how Prop 19 and marijuana legalization in California might influence drug trafficking organization revenues and the violence in Mexico. The key findings:

  • Mexican DTOs' gross revenues from illegally exporting marijuana to wholesalers in the United States is likely less than $2 billion;
  • The claim that 60 percent of Mexican DTO gross drug export revenues come from marijuana should not be taken seriously;
  • If legalization only affects revenues from supplying marijuana to California, DTO drug export revenue losses would be very small, perhaps 2–4 percent; [More...]

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AG Eric Holder: Feds Will Enforce Marijuana Laws Regardless of Prop 19

Attorney General Eric Holder announced today the Justice Department will continue to prosecute marijuana offenders in California, even if Proposition 19 passes.

The comments came during a joint press conference with Prop 19 foes, including Los Angeles District Attorney Steve Cooley and Los Angeles County Sheriff Lee Baca, as well as former heads of the DEA and Immigration and Customs Enforcement. Cooley, who is running for state attorney general, has said he believes all medical marijuana dispensaries are illegal.

More on the press conference here. He gave the same response in a letter this week to the ex-Chiefs of the DEA who had written him in August requesting the Government stop Prop 19 from taking effect if it passes.

Marijuana Policy Project and Drug Policy Alliance respond. From DPA:

Under our system of government, states get to decide state law. There is nothing in the United States Constitution that requires that the State of California criminalize anything under state law. If California decides to legalize marijuana through the passage of Proposition 19, nothing in the Constitution stands in the way. In fact, Congress has explicitly left to the states wide discretion to legislate independently in the area of drug control and policy. States do not need to march in lockstep with the federal government or even agree with federal law.


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Denver Post Taking Marijuana Ads

There was a big fuss a month ago when Facebook rejected ads for Just Say Now, a grass-roots movement urging legalization of marijuana for adult personal use.

The Denver Post today has a long article on the changing landscape in marijuana politics. What I found interesting, was the ad banner at the top of the article.

Come on, Facebook. If the Denver Post can run an ad, why can't you?

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Schwarzenegger Signs Bill Reducing Marijuana Penalties

California Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger has signed a bill into law that reduces the offense of possession of up to one ounce of marijuana from a misdemeanor to an infraction, like a traffic ticket. The penalty has not changed -- both the misdemeanor and the petty offense carried a $100.fine. The Governor, who opposes Prop 19, said:

I am signing Senate Bill 1449. This bill changes the crime of possession of less than an ounce of marijuana from a misdemeanor punishable only by a $100 fine to an infraction punishable by a $100 fine. Under existing law, jail time cannot be imposed, probation cannot be ordered, nor can the base fine exceed $100 for someone convicted of this crime.

I am opposed to decriminalizing the possession and recreational use of marijuana and oppose Proposition 19, which is on the November ballot.

So what's the difference? According to the Governor:

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